Saturday, October 12, 2019

I Am...

I am unfathomable
all encompassing
ever growing.
I am remarkable
creativity in motion
creation at its finest
strength personified
I am warmth
I am Earth Mother
I am Queen
I can stand with you, or I can stand alone.
I am the original
the one and only
Black Woman.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

No Need

I really don't think that there's a need for good byes. 

What purpose do they serve. 
Is it just a  time to say it's me not you? Or, is the time for you to be non nonchalant and just say, "You do you."  

Sometimes it's just best to walk away.

No texts. no phone calls, no see you laters...

Just let it dissolve into something more like myth...
Something that might have  happened in a dream . 

A dream where you wake up and can't really remember the details, just the feeling.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Forever My Child

 Rachel Parker M e d i u m : Digital File or Giclée D i m e n s i o n s

From your very beginning in my womb, 
you were formed and shaped...before I even saw you.
You were already perfection in my eyes and in my heart.
My child there's nowhere you can go where my prayers can I find you.
 There is nowhere my voice cannot be carried on the wind. 
I wish that I could make everything right in your world, but I can't.
 I wish I could protect you from all hurt, harm, or danger, but I can't,
 But no this my beautiful child,
 no matter where you are, no matter how far you may go, no matter ills be fall you...
 you are my child.
 You are  Forever my child.

Friday, March 29, 2019

See Me

To be seen, For who I am.
For the all of me... the good, the bad.
the dark and  the light.
the scarred and the flawless.
I just want to be seen.
I know my value,
I know my worth.
But you can't you see it?
You look through me,
over me...
around me.

I've allowed you to make me feel discarded....unlovable and unwanted.
But what I have allowed, I can disallow...
That which I have freely given, I can take back.
This is my time now...
It's time for see me.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Laying On Of Hands

From a time long before, we were created from the earth of the land called Alkebulan, Mother of Mankind, Garden of Eden. 

We walked in the presence of God, we were among the first of His mysteries shaped through the laying on of His hands. 

Mothers singing to their babes in the womb 
(Laying on of hands) 

As we rocked those same babies in our arms we raised hymns to soothe their restless spirits 
(Laying on of hands)

The passing on from one to another, impartation, gifting...from one generation to another.

And when this life is over, we will be ushered through the last and final mystery....
with a laying on of hands.